

It is estimated that more than half of the US and Mexico´s population has misaligned or irregular teeth and jaws. The severity and types of these faulty occlusions differ in their presentations and include cross bites, open bites, over and under bites and many more.

The techniques that an orthodontist uses depends on the diagnose. Diagnoses are usually made by taking x-rays and by having the patient bite down onto a mold to determine the specific alignment of his or her teeth. Correction methods might include braces, retainers or other special devices to realign or guide incoming teeth.

The dental problems that may cause an adult or child to require the services of an orthodontist can be the result of many factors. Heredity, or dental problems that run in the family, is the biggest reason that someone may need to see an orthodontist. This can be because of the bone structure of the jaws, baby teeth that are lost too early or overcrowding of the teeth. Other reasons include tooth decay and accidents or injuries, all of which affect the structure of the mouth.

At Ortho Center we can prevent dental irregularities in children by conducting exams before all of the permanent teeth erupt. A child should ideally have his or her first visit with an orthodontist around the age of seven, especially when there is a family history of crocked teeth and malocclusions. The early intervention of an orthodontist takes advantage of the still growing bones of the jaw and pending eruption of the permanent teeth. Early intervention is fundamental and at our clinic Dr. Gonzalez Lozano will be looking forward to help you.

It is a branch of dentistry that studies the bad position of teeth within the chewing system causing alterations of the joint and facial disharmony.
The orthodontic treatment seeks balance and harmony between the bones, muscles and teeth in order to restore our system of good chewing function occlusion, aesthetics and stability.

Our  Chewing system is based on the chewing muscles which pairs should work together to avoid any disturbances. When we have a good position of the teeth, we also have a good balance of forces while we chew and this is when our muscles work in a balanced way.

The position of the lower teeth in harmony with the above results in a good balance of forces within the chewing system.

- Does your jaw joint cracks when you open or close your mouth?
- You have headaches constantly?
- You do not like your profile?
- Your teeth are worn in a bad position or simply you just do not like them?


Teeth are a key part of our presentation, the organization of these provides a good harmony in the gestures and smiles that we share in our daily lives.

The periodontal ligament is the one between our teeth to the bone and gums, called ligament because it acts as a link which keeps a memory of information when it is stretched, trying to return to its usual form, at the end of a orthodontic treatment  we´ll avoid the teeth from moving  back to their old position using a retainer and / or making a dehebridación tissues to modify that memory and so avoid any undesired movement.


How to diagnose an orthodontic treatment
Something very important is to make notice of the difference between comercial and professional treatment.  

For us it is essential to take records of each of our patients. This records are:
- X-rays (Panoramic and lateral skull)
- Photographs (intraoral and extraoral)
- Study models (upper and lower)
- Medical history
  and a cephalometric presentation